A teacher, farmer and priest undertake a daring mission to breach security and damage the GCSB-run Waihopai spy base, as the true extent of its war-faring and mass surveillance functions, within the global Five Eyes alliance, is brought to light.
Operation 8 examines the so-called ‘anti-terror’ raids that took place around New Zealand on October 15, 2007 – asking how and why they took place and at what cost to those targeted.
ContinueThe Last Resort
From the closure of a 60 year-old campground and subsequent beachfront occupation by tangata whenua at Opoutama, Mahia – to the debates raging over the Overseas Investment Bill in Parliament – The Last Resort investigates notions of land and business ownership, signaling the changing tides of sovereignty and self-determination in Aotearoa.
ContinueTe Whanau o Aotearoa
A Maori Rastafarian spearheads a group of homeless and landless – living on the streets of Wellington, New Zealand – who establish a ‘village of peace’ outside parliament. The group awaits an audience with the powers that be to effect positive change, whilst being set upon by the police, public, press and politicians